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Area: Nagaoka-shi

Echigo-yoita-uchihamono is famous for its excellent carpentry tools. There is only one blacksmith left in Japan who is capable of making Japanese adzes. The original technique came from making samurai swords. Nowadays, the unique products are used globally.

Echigo-yoita-uchihamono Kumiai c/o Yoita-machi Shokokai (commerce and industry association)
134-2 Yoita-ko, Yoita-machi, Nagaoka-shi, NIIGATA 940-2402
TEL : 0258-72-2303  FAX: 0258-72-3328
EMAIL: yoisho@fancy.ocn.ne.jp

URLICON.png Echigo-yoita-uchihamono Kumiai (Japanese)
URLICON.png Echigo-yoita-uchihamono Takumi-kai (Japanese)